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Monday, December 1, 2008

Volatile and Non-volatile memory

This post is in relation to a question asked by a reader


Angus has left a new comment on your post "10 things you must remember about Antivirus":

Sorry, I can't find a proper subject appropriate for my question, so I post it here.
The question:
Which of the following is the best description of nonvolatile data?
A. Contents of random access memory
B. Data on the hard disk
C. Data acquired by forensic recovery
D. Data from logical disk backups
The book answer is B, but I thought the answer c, data acquired by forensic recovery is the most nonvolatile data.
Can PassCISA please correct my thoughts, thanks a lot.

Dear Angus,

Thanks again for sharing your doubts.

Before solving this question please remember the basic difference between Volatile memory and Non volatile meory.

Volatile Memory -

Volatile memory is memory which loses its contents when the computer is switched off or power is lost.

Example- Random Access Memory (RAM).

Non Volatile Memory -

Non Volatile memory is memory whose contents remains intact even if the computer/hardware is switched off or power is lost.
Example - Hard Disk, CMOS Memory,CD,DVD,Floppy,tapes etc.

Now let us discuss the choice one by one.

1. A. Contents of random access memory- contents of RAM - By above definition this is a volatile memory.
2. B. Data on the hard disk - By above definition this is a Non volatile memory

3. C. Data acquired by forensic recovery - This could be a combination of Volatile and Non-volatile memory.
Most important data recovered for forensic purpose is that of a RAM which is a Non volatile memory.

4. D. Data from logical disk backups -By above definition this is a volatile memory

So, the answer of the book is correct and the correct answer is B and not C.

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