ACID Property of Database for CISA Exam.
So, far I have tried to present few topics in easiest manner. I do believe
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for revision. and in year to come this will be a must for every CISA aspirants.
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well in advance of your CISA Exam.Remember CISA Review Manual is a sea.
Here is another important CISA Quick Point and CISA Type question
CISA Quick Tips 13:
Here is the easiest way to learn about ACID Property of Database.
ACID Property of Database means
Means All or None.
Which means a database transaction will be either complete or NIL and
never in between. Please, see the following diagram:
If A=5 and we have to add another 5 to A.
A will be 10 if transaction is complete otherwise A will remain 5.
Never anything else.
All integrity constraints or integrity rules will be taken care by all transaction.
For example let us discuss the following table
Here Roll_No is primary key. Primary Key means unique and not null. If we
try to insert a new row with the value 001 in Roll Number field.It will be
aborted and not be inserted. Database will remain in their earlier state.
All transactions will be separate and there will not be any effect on other transaction(s)
If a transaction is commited, it will be durable and not be rolled back.
CISA Type Question 13:
An IS auditor while auditing an Relational Database management System
(RDBMS) finds some disparity in value of same field in two tables.
This is MOST likely against the principal of
1. Atomicity
2. Consistency
3. Isolation
4. Durability
Answer to CISA Type Question 12:
Generally Hot Site will have all the System Software, some application software, servers, backup devices and other necessary hardware, most of the networking and communication components.The only missing thing could be last Data Backup and System documentation which will be under main site control .
So, the correct answer is 4. all documentation and data backup.
Further Reference:
1. CISA Review Manual by published ISACA
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